Email Efficiency is Still Possible

Quick Fact: Email Efficiency is Still Possible

Email remains one of the simplest, quickest means to communicate. Here are a few techniques to keep your emailing efficient and productive.

1. Put deadlines, meeting dates, important, relevant information in the subject line. Your message will standout when someone is scanning through unread email.

2. Have all important, essential information at the beginning of the email. Include specific action you may be requesting of the recipient.

3. Reduce wasting time emailing back and forth. When a reply is unnecessary, make it clear. A simple, "It isn't necessary to reply back to this email " works wonders.

4. "Reply All" can wreak havoc on your time. When it is unnecessary for a "Reply All" to occur, ask recipients not to "Reply All." If you are one in a list of many recipients, ask the sender to re-email the list, requesting not to "Reply All."

There are many more ways to take control of your email -- these are just a few that will have immediate results.

The start of 2010 has been quite busy with our many speaking engagements. I would like to thank everyone involved in Yankee Dental Congress 35, Boston's largest conference. The many room monitors and participants of "Go For It! Gettting To Your Goal!" and "Balance? Juggle? Find Time For You!" programs made this conference a wonderful 3 day experience.

Also a big thank you to all who attended The RDH Study Group and Abington Child Study Group. What amazing energy emanated during each of these special events.

Your feedback and ideas to write about are important to me, so please stay in touch.


One Final Time Thought!

"If Email had been around before the telephone was invented people would have said "hey, forget email - with this new telephone invention I can actually talk to people" 
-- Anonymous



Posted on June 4, 2014 and filed under Articles.